In English

Henkilö pitelee älypuhelinta. Henkilöllä on violetti huppari päällä, jossa on Sua varten somessa -logo rinnassa. Älypuhelimen taka kannessa on neljä sydämen muotoista tarraa, joissa on trans-, muunsukupuolisten ja intersukupuolisten liput sekä sateenkaarilippu.

Welcome to our safer online space of Sua varten somessa (For you in social media), a team of youth workers who combat cyberbullying and online sexual abuse.

We are Sua varten somessa, an award-winning non-profit from Finland that operates on social media platforms to support youth aged eight to 21 years of age. Find our channels of online support on Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat.

We are the first digital service in Finland to offer support on the very same platforms where our youth these days come across all types of harassment, bullying, abuse and sexual violence: social media.  Our mission is to reduce sexual harassment and bullying online and provide conversational support to adolescents who face these issues. We are active creators of educational content, especially on the video platform TikTok, where our videos garner hundreds of thousands of views on a weekly basis. Our topics include

  • how to stay safe online and on social media
  • what to do when faced with sexual harassment
  • how to combat cyberbullying
  • safe relationships

A major part of our work is one-on-one conversational support to victims of harassment with the average contact being from a young person between ages 10-14. Yearly, we provide psychosocial support to thousands of adolescents on TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat DMs. Our work of protecting children includes collaborating with law enforcement officials when we detect possible abusers online.

The most common topics of conversation are:

  • receiving non-consensual nudes
  • sharing or extortion of nudes
  • grooming
  • cyberbullying

In 2022 alone, Sua varten somessa’s videos on digital safety skills, sexual harassment, bullying and safe sexting reached over 3 million views.

Our project is run by Finnish not-for-profit organisations called Loisto setlementti ry and Nicehearts ry and our main funder is the government of Finland.

Check out our social media channels:

@suavarten_official (Instagram & TikTok)
@suavarten_tiimi (Snapchat)

For adults:
@Sua varten somessa (Facebook)